
What time does King John's Castle Open?

Seasonal Opening Hours:
1st October - 31st March
9:30am -5:00pm (last entrance at 4pm)
1st April to 30th September
9:30am -6:00pm (last entrance at 5pm)


Do I have to book online?

All guests are required to book online for us to control the number of people at King John’s Castle at any one time, however walk ins are welcome where capacity permits. Please note that should we reach our maximum capacity, online bookings will be prioritised over walk in entry.


FAQs around the precautions we have in places to protect against COVID-19.

As we open our doors to welcome you all, we have implemented new safety measures throughout King John's Castle to ensure your safety and the safety of our team. Below you will find our most Frequently Asked Questions around the precautions we have in places to protect against COVID-19.

The HPSC, which is part of the Health Service Executive (HSE), sets the public health guidelines on how to deal with contagious diseases.  We are continuing to follow all the HPSC’s guidelines and have been liaising closely with them since the outbreak of the virus.
We have placed floor 2 metre floor markings across our sites as well as messaging and signage throughout the visitor attraction. We also have hand sanitising stations located across the site and protective screen at admission points.

In line with Goverment guidelines, up to 500 people allowed in any outdoor area.

You will find hand washing facilities in our bathrooms while we also provide a clearly marked hand sanitation stations across the site.
These units are regularly checked throughout the day but if you do find one empty, we would be grateful if you could notify a staff member so we can refill it.

We have placed floor 2 metre floor markings across our sites as well as messaging and signage throughout our visitor attraction.

Due to Covid 19 precautions, we have introduced a one-way system around the castle to ensure everyone’s safety. The one-way system is clearly marked. Please, always follow the directional signage and maintain social distancing.

Q. Where can I use contactless payment?

All our pay points across our sites supports contactless payment. We ask all customers to use contactless payment where possible.

Q. Are Pets allowed at King John's Castle?

Only service dogs are allowed in King John's Castle and all other pets are not permitted as a large amount of space is dedicated to the exhibition/museum in an enclosed space.

Q. What food options will be available?

The Siege Cafe opens daily from 9.30am to 4.30pm daily. We offer a selection of refreshments, scones, pastries, soup, sandwiches and confectionary.

If you have any further questions